Christmas is coming and 2014 is about to end, so I wanted to share a handful pictures of my favorite dishes that I have made @ MERCADO. Hopefully you had a chance to taste them. Hurry if not...
recipes • adventures • stories • local products
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Mercado, Latin Inspired Market Cuisne in Vienna
Back into the Kitchen!
April 2014: It was about time...
Latin food, culture and vitality have changed my live, so my passion and my biggest goal became to bring it to my hometown Vienna and present it through my cooking, on its highest level possible. Kicking culinary ideas around, creating a network of Latin food vendors in Europe, experimenting with some Austrian seasonal ingredients (which are quite unusual for Latin dishes) and combining them with my favourite Latin recipes, was during 2013 on my daily schedule. The Adventure was about to start, after I have been introduced to Klaus Piber, who was still looking for a chef & partner for the reopening of Wini Brugger's and his former restaurant Indochine 21. With only Latino's in my kitchen team we opened Mercado, Latin Inspired Market Cuisine, in May 2014.
Our official opening Party "Casual VIP Latin Lunch" had to wait until the End of September. We where excited to welcome some ambassadors of Latin Amarica, Actors like Kristina Sprenger, Michou Friesz, Natalie Alison und Iva Schell, die Sängerinnen Sandra Pires und Dorretta Carter, Pius Strobl, Uwe Kröger, Eva Steiner, Lidia Baich, Niko Fechter, Eva Pölzl, Gery Keszler, Nuriel Molcho, Elior Molcho, Maddalena Hirschal, Mike Galeli, Kathi Stumpf, Elke Winkens und Daniela Zeller.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
From Los Cabos, Mexico to Vienna, Austria
After living a decade in America I moved back to Vienna and decided to take a year away from the stove and spend lots of time with my friends and family. Last Christmas was the perfect opportunity though, to finally reveal some new creations with explosive flavors that I have developed. One of them was the:
charred octopus and potato
salad, tamarind bbq
gegrillter oktopus,
erdäfpel, tamarinden barbecue sauce
tamarinde mit wasser aufkochen • durch tamis
passieren • mit knoblauch, zwiebeln & geräucherten mexikanischen chillis
vermengen • mit mixer zu feinem püree verarbeiten
getrocknete mexikanische chillis in rotweinessig
einlegen • mit knoblauch, dotter, zitronensaft und olivenöl zu einer aioli
jalapeños, stangenzeller, limettensaft,
orangensaft, piloncillo, agavensirup, olivenöl
ofenkartoffeln in aluminium einwickeln und garen •
kleine stückchen mit schale im heißem öl frittieren
koriander blanchieren • mit olivenöl zu püree
mit olivenöl, salz und getrocknetem chilipulver
limetten segmente in würfel schneiden
oktopus weich kochen • im eigenen fond auf eis
chillen • oktopus arme putzen • oktopus arm mit salz & pfeffer würzen und
mit olivenöl beträufeln • über mesquite grillen • mit tamarinden bbq
beschmieren • über mesquite vollenden bis knusprig • in stückchen schneiden
tamarind bbq mit pinsel auf teller auftragen •
chili aioli tropfen auf teller setzen • pulpo, tomates, papas & limas
platzieren • mit vinagreta & cilantro beträuflen • mit limettenzeste
(microplane) vollenden
Mexico wasn't easy for me. Adios to my Team at the One&Only Palmilla, to Edward
Steiner, Senior Vice President of One&Only Latin America and to many others.
Many wonderful images will remain firmly etched in my mind.
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